Steer clear of getting into trouble due to another’s irresponsible use of your previous vehicle- if you don’t own the car any longer report it to the Department of Transport in Victoria –Vic Roads straight away. The contents are updated for the upcoming year 2020.
There can be various explanations for why you no longer own your car
No matter what the reason is you no longer own your car… someone else does! It’s your ex-car now…..
You must alert the suitable Victorian government department. Here you need to tell Vic Roads.
If any of the above listed are associated with your former car you will be held accountable. This will require having to visit the transport establishment, the cops and perhaps the courts. The path to get cleared can be hard, demanding and will deprive you of your time and money. When your car is involved in a mishap and still registered to you; clearing up that the car is not yours at the point of the crime is tricky and hard. You could even be charged with being slack with your responsibility; as a result, you can face financial penalties and based on the harshness of the offence even imprisonment.
For registered user of the vehicle, you can cancel the registration at any time you want. For transferring ownership you need to inform Vic Roads inside 14 days. It’s critical that you follow the Victorian government transport rules.
Your vehicle registration can be cancelled via the following choices
Notice of Car Disposal & Vehicle Licence Cancellation Melbourne Victoria
Application for transfer registration –by filling the form you can transfer your car registration in Victoria
The information you need to fill the form for vehicle registration cancelation
The details above will be needed when filling out the vehicle registration cancelations form
By making use of the above tips you will be able to cancel your car registration with no trouble and efficiently. If you no longer own your motor vehicle it is vital to cancel registration to stay away from problems in the future due to the new user’s recklessness of the vehicle
Car 4 Cash the top Car Removal Company in Melbourne, Victoria can help you to disposing of your car and cancelling your car registration. If you need to sell your car for cash –we offer some of the most excellent rates in Melbourne. If you require knowing more about vehicle registration cancelation in Melbourne or get a free instant quote for selling your car for cash contact us on 0420 550 811 or by visiting our website.